Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Time to grab a pen to write down my own thought

How Do I Start Writing My Business Plan?
The best way to start writing your business plan is to just grab a pen and paper or sit down at your computer and put down some very basic notes in any free form manner that you choose. Then go back and keep refining your ideas until they sound great.

While a finished business plan will be a large document, you can more easily motivate yourself by dividing the project into its specific parts. Too many entrepreneurs get discouraged or lose their motivation simply because they feel that writing a business plan will take too long.

Remember, good writing is re-writing.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

The first

It's just testing. The first time, I use a blog page for my English writing. I will try to practice my English more. I hope that my English will be better in the next times.
Well, I'm writing with embarassing, because I have never post my English writing before, so confused! huhm, try, try, try more.
I promise with myself will write English every day in this blog.
Today, I found an interesting blog of a women on internet. I guest she is a mid-age women, but very active, because she shares her work, her ideas on the website, it's about crochet. I loved her products, i'm very respect her working. I wish i could study a little part of her, if i want to do that, i would have to move to AUS and try to study English very very well. Huhm, now, I have to look up in the dictionary to read her recipes.

Feeling down

I'm feeling down in this moment. It's really hard for me to decide any thing but i cannot stand them now. Maybe I will quit office, why? It's boring, i cannot stand the way they manage, also the structure of them. Day by day, I always see much wrong things... It's not fair, it's not right, it's not logic.. but they are managers so I am not allowed to change, to be creative and distribute. If you have a permission to say, your words will throught from ears to ears. I'm so tired.

2 days ago, my manager was out office so I also didn't do anything except surfing on the internet for 8 hours. It's not myself, I have ever been active and hard-working, but now I seem exhaust enthusiam in my mind. I cannot do any thing more.

I have no degree, i have not completed my degrees of 2 UG. Now, i would like to come back for studying work. I would success, wouldn't I?